campaignTrail_temp.modBoxTheme = { "header_color" : "#550015", "header_text_color" : "#B5AFB0", "description_text_color" : "#FFFFFF", "description_background_color" : "#3E3A3E", "main_color" : "#6D4A4E", "secondary_color" : "#000201", "ui_text_color": "#FFFFFF" } e=campaignTrail_temp if(!e.done) { e.done = true; if (!e.runIntro) { e.runIntro = true; RecReading=true campaignTrail_temp.election_json = [{ "model": "campaign_trail.election", "pk": 4, "fields": { "year": 1968, "summary": "

Charles Sumner runs as the Republican incumbent against his rival Andrew Johnson. Reconstruction is the dominant issue and has caused two Factions to form in the south for the first time since the Election of 1860 has a election been so explosive.